Monday, September 2, 2013

BBQ Bacon Burger Bites, Pesto Salad, and White Berry Sangria.

I thought, in honor of this beautiful Labor Day, I would put together a warm-weather menu that demanded very little effort.  Here is a plan to keep you out of the heat and in the kitchen as little as possible.

Labor Day Special: BBQ Bacon Burger Bites, Pesto Salad, and White Berry Sangria.

Here is your shopping list:

For the White Berry Sangria:
Two bottles white wine of your choice (and don't feel pressured to go fancy here--when you adulterate wine with soda and fruit, you're allowed to be cheap about it)
Frozen mixed berries
Clear soda (today, I chose Sprite Zero)

For the Pesto Salad: 
Fresh cherry tomatoes
Fresh mozzarella balls
1 jar of basil pesto

For the BBQ Bacon Burger Bites: 
1 pound extra lean ground beef
1/2 cup (plus more for serving) Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce (any flavor)
1 jar of Hormel Real Bacon Bits
1 onion (any size)

See, you can still use the express lane.  Add 30 minutes to the timer and……GO!

First, the sangria.  Making a batch like this will not only keep you from having to mix drinks all day, but it will keep your hosting costs down.  Add the frozen fruit to a large pitcher.  Pour in both bottles of chilled wine and top it off with soda.  Put the pitcher in the fridge to let all the flavors meld while you prepare the rest of the meal.

Now, the salad.  Cut your tomatoes in half and add to a mixing bowl.  Do the same to the mozzarella balls.  Add about three heaping tablespoons of pesto and gently fold it into the tomatoes and cheese.  Adding "too much" pesto isn't truly possible, but be mindful of the olive oil that will pool in the bottom of the bowl if you do.  Throw your salad in the fridge next to your sangria.

And, finally, the BBQ Bacon Burger Bites.  Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.  Put your ground beef in a mixing bowl.  Add half the jar of bacon bits and about a half cup of Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ Sauce.  Don't be shy, now--get your hands in there and squish!  You can either roll the beef into 1-1.5 inch balls or use a mini-muffin tin.  I was able to make 22 mini-muffin sized bites.  Pop these into the oven.  Now slice your onion and reserve the innermost rings for serving.  The bites should be done in about 12 minutes, depending on your oven.

When the burgers are done, transfer to a plate lined with a paper towel to absorb the grease.  Top with small slices of onion and serve with toothpicks and more BBQ sauce for dipping.  Now, pour yourself a glass of sangria and take it easy.  It's Labor Day, after all.

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